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  • Writer's picturevisionarsentertainment

Having money in the US gives you a license to commit genocide ask Bill Gates.

Only in America where Blacks can get arrested for murders they never committed, and yet white people like Bill Gates can walk around the world freely committing genocide. How many more murders must he commit until the law of the United States of America starts taking action? How many experiments must it take for the people of America start seeing Bill Gates for who he really is, and what his mission to this world is about. Who made Bill Gate the God of death? His Human experiments in India didn’t it raise any red flags? He keeps on manufacturing these vaccines for poor countries, and bribing weak presidents with his billions. Allowing him to proceed with doing human experiments, With his vaccines which have never been tested.

There are a lot of crimes which he has committed against humanity, with his allies and a lot of blood is on their hands. Does the law of America only apply to black Americans? It seems like the only time when criminal cases are charged in America, is when there are against foreign nationals and the black Americans. But to billionaires who started their foundations with human blood, they get to walk around freely, and continuously murdering poor people around the world. What will it take for US to start taking action, corona virus has taken too many lives already. They lie and say it spreads by human contact but it actually spread this rapidly because they are fumigating the entire planet with this virus. Clearly they are the ones behind these millions of deaths and not the virus. And that is a crime against humanity, so therefore a legal action must be taken. And it’s only a matter of time before people start this matter in their own hands. People can see exactly what’s going on and no media can mislead people once they figured out the truth. If no action will be taken against these murderers then surely people will retaliate against this oppression. And why is it always the whites who are against humanity?

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