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People get used to taking people lives from the boardroom

It's been 9 years since the massacre and it is kind of funny how it has taken this long for people to receive healing and to this day it is all talk but no action. This started by greed and the desire to want people to be terrified by one’s decision and not to oppose. He wanted to silence the poor people for bringing out their grievances but he forgot that each year the economy changes for everyone, in most cases workers are the ones to be affected by the economy. This is a common practice by employers, they want more gain for themselves and forget employees have their own financial responsibilities.

What is taking so long one would ask? He is saying his going to come to bring healing and people who were supposed to accompany him are also passing on, what is taking so long? The decision to silence people did not take this long. The Marikana massacre is something that is not going to be forgotten no matter how long he is stalling. This is another reason why people believe there are clones because it is hard to believe that people can be this cold hearted. Or is breaking bread with the apartheid oppressors got him this cold towards his own people? 9 years is a very long time, what is taking so long? Quick question if it was the other race was it also going to take this long? Never! When it comes to putting black people first that is a foreign language for our own president. He is known for taking huge decisions in the boardroom without questions but attending to a crisis several consultations must be taken. We feel for all those who lost their loved ones in marikana. The decision to ignore people 9 years ago is still happening and yet he was alone when he took it. But today he needs people to accompany him to help heal the people of marikana. The president with no connection to the people. #healmarikana

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