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The world is being manipulated

Covid-19 also known as “The great reset” this took years of planning and what the world is witnessing is just execution. This new world order is flawed, it already indicates that life will never be the same again. People have been suffering from inequality for years and this will bring great torment to the African countries. If US can have Africa breathing through the wound all these years, and because of some policy that was implemented in mid 70s by Henry Kissinger. How can a new world order be any different? They trying to bring Africa back to the years of Slavery. What is the point of this reset, US must let go of the reigns no need to reset. They will try to manipulate the system because they don’t want to let go of the reigns. US cannot rule forever it is time to let other countries rule, even the Roman empire was defeated at some point.

The new world order won’t allow culture, won’t allow the diversity of beliefs, won’t allow the diversity of religions etc. It is a flawed system that was not thought through, the whole world cannot be under one government. They cannot force Christians or other religions to switch from their own beliefs and start worshipping Satan. The world has been governed by the minority for far too long now and maybe it is time the majority stand up and fight for what is right. To restore balance, a lot of lives are lost during this pandemic and all because of the greed of the minority. Over the years we witnessed disorder within the US government, where businesses men become presidents and the mess they made during their time of presidency. Another business men assumes the medical position and now all of a sudden his manufacturing vaccines that are supposed to cure the same Covid-19. No one knows how long were they even tested? But what we can be sure of is that, This new world order it is done by a group of business people who want more power. and to bring the world into disorder!

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