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We are being lied to

In December 2020 Bill Gates complained about low cases of corona virus in Africa. Suddenly we are witnessing a rapid spread of Covid-19 in South Africa. Are these cases accelerated? Few days ago something was spotted flying in the sky just after it has rained. Is that how they spread this new variant? How come none of the news broadcasters reported this incident? This is not something to be quiet about, a strange thing which no one has ever seen or heard of before moving across the sky and somehow people are quiet about this is a bit strange.

We believe that this new variant that is being labeled a South African varient, it is accelerated to spread even more quicker to kill more South Africans.

This spread is not being mobilized by people only. They are helping this virus to spread even more quicker, to force people into believing that these vaccines are their only option. And yet these vaccines are not tested they not sure if these vaccines can cure Covid-19. But people must be vaccinated, if the first American health practitioners who took this vaccines collapsed and the Doctor died two later after taking this vaccine. Who in their right mind would take this vaccine? Or are they going to force people to take it?

Watch the full episode of 2.0 Rewind to see that thing moving across the sky.

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